Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Super Mario.....Pizza????

I was going for a walk the other day and came across two pizza restaurants which had very familiar looking images on their windows and logos.

First up is Uncle Nick's Pizza. Uncle Nick is looking a lot more like a certain famous plumber than your typical pizza chef.



If we compare Uncle Nick above and Mario below, we'll see that they share many similarities. Bushy eybrows? Check! Bulbous nose? Check! Blue eyes? Check! Heck, everything about them is the same with the exception of uncle Nick's sinister looking little beard.


This place, called Mario Bross. didn't even try to draw their own interpretation of Mario, just just stole the image from somewhere and put it up on their sign.


Although Mario seems to be missing his right leg, its an obvious ripoff of everyone's favourite portly plumber. I wonder if Nintendo knows about this?


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